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Exclusive, High-Quality Products

We carry our own menu of exclusive, high-quality, skin care products not available to the general public. This product line offers a full spectrum of skin care products to address our patient’s varied skin care concerns. Key ingredients include alpha-hydroxy acids, green tea, vitamin C, retinol, tissue growth factors, and other antioxidants.

Portrait of beautiful young woman with bright pink makeup. Beaut

Skin Care and Hair Products

We proudly offer dermatologist-approved product lines and makeup:

  • Allergan-SkinMedica (available on our website)
  • Allergan-Latisse (requires a valid prescription)
  • Biopelle
  • Colorescience
  • EltaMd
  • Image Skincare
  • Jane Iredale
  • SkinBetter Science (available on our website)
  • Center for Cosmetic Dermatology Brand (not available to the general public)
  • Nutrafol
Beauty woman on background

Skin Medica®

SkinMedica’s professional skin care products are the result of almost two decades of research and clinical experience by world-renowned dermatologist and founder, Richard E. Fitzpatrick, M.D. Clinically proven ingredients such as growth factors, antioxidants, retinoids, essential fatty acids, hyaluronic acid, and other molecules naturally found in our skin are specially chosen and formulated to provide all of the elements necessary for enhancing the natural process of skin rejuvenation. SkinMedica products are available exclusively through licensed providers offices and medically supervised spas. Call and schedule a complimentary skin care analysis to learn more about this elegant, easy-to-use, effective product line.

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Portrait of beautifully looking young brown haired woman, dressed in a delicate evening makeup. Elegance and hairstyling.

skinbetter SCIENCE®

We leverage proven technology and decades of rigorous research to develop purposeful and award-winning products. The skinbetter scientific approach represents a revolutionary change in the skincare market, establishing a new standard in professional skincare. Skinbetter products are purposefully researched, formulated, and packaged to produce real-life results. In addition to being scientifically-advanced, skinbetter offers an uncomplicated approach to skincare. One product can deliver remarkable results; two to three skinbetter products can change how you feel about your skin. Either way, skinbetter science products ensure that real results are possible in your real life.

skinbetter science® products are sold only through physician practices and authorized medical spas. The link provided to purchase skinbetter products is intended only for use by existing skinbetter science users, or patients that have otherwise received a skin consultation by Center For Cosmetic Dermatology.

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Check Out Our Cosmetic Services for Patients